Do you have a good lecturer?


The winner of Teacher of the Year 2023, Marko Stojiljkovic, smiles for the camera.

University lecturer at the Department of Nursing and Health Promotion, Marko Stojiljkovic, was named teacher of the year at OsloMet in 2023. Photo: Benjamin A. Ward

Do you have a good lecturer?

It is important for all students at OsloMet that we have good lecturers. But what is a good lecturer? You students know best what it takes. Therefore, it is you students who can nominate lecturers for the Lecturer of the Year Award.

The award will go to a lecturer who excels in planning, teaching, commitment or guidance and follow-up.

Do you have a lecturer who deserves extra attention for the work they do for you students? Then you should nominate your lecturer!

Deadline for nominations is 20th of May.

Nominate your lecturer (

Read more about Lecturer of the Year Award.